Wednesday, January 25, 2006

loneliness part 2

Contiued from part 1

Please read in order of the posts.

It took me the best part of a year to get over that and grow strong to be independent and happy again whilst being single. It was the first time I have ever felt loneliness and I think in extreme cases it is a killer. At least, it can be depressing and so upsetting, leading to all kinds of crutches being taken up.. Drink, drugs, cigarettes, prostitutes, gambling, whatever and sure I probably sound like a preacher now but some of those affected me.

My crutch became the fags and booze for a long while in increasing amounts, nothing ever too heavy but it was enough to make me realise it was for more than just the occasional drink. Thankfully now this latest drama in my life with my health has put an abrupt stop to both of those.

Anyway, I digress. I see more and more the feeling of loneliness in people’s lives, the fact of people staying in a non-satisfying relationship because they fear being alone. This to me is a big subject matter. Staying in a non-satisfying relationship because they fear being alone.

I can understand people’s reasons and certainly do not disrespect them for choosing that path. Who am I to judge? If anything, I empathise with them for I know the feeling. Also, depending on people’s age/circumstances it can be a seemingly impossible option to risk giving up a non-satisfying relationship but is it worth settling for less rather than learning to cope with being single and alone? I can answer for myself and the answer now is yes, but are you prepared to take that risk if it were you in that situation? I feel it is worth going through the learning curve of being alone as I can put my hand on my heart and say I feel better for it rather than being stuck in a relationship where I am not happy, building a wall around my heart trying to suffocate my deepest and most honest feelings, when they are really screaming at me to be free, sometimes tearing at my soul to be released from the soul destroying shackles I have chosen to place on my own heart.

“To be released from the soul destroying shackles I have chosen to place on my own heart.” Does that ring an alarm in your heart to read that line?

What are you prepared to do about it for your own happiness?

Is your happiness that important to you and worth that much to take that step needed if no one else is there to catch you but your self to pick up the pieces, put your self back together and dust yourself off?

Stand tall, head held high, then walk on and smile for the first time to yourself for doing yourself proud?

I understand fear for oneself

I understand compromise for others

I understand sacrifice for others

I understand responsibility to others

I understand commitment to others

If it makes you unhappy, how unhappy are you prepared to be to stay in a relationship that is making you feel that way?

Do you understand and still believe in self respect?

Are you worthy?

I say to you, yes you are. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are, just put a value on that and make the right decision and stand strong along side it. Its up to you to believe it


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